Elevating the Australian Puzzle Industry

The Puzzle Makers Guild is a membership organisation dedicated to furthering the Australian Puzzle Industry through the collaboration of makers, advocates, and enthusiasts.

The Guild’s Model

The Guild’s value to its members increases with each new member that joins. Every time we reach a membership goal, we will release a new feature for our members. While this model encourages our members to refer others, its mainly so we don’t overcommit to building a tool nobody wants. 😅

Goal #1: Publish our 2025 Goals for Member Feedback

(Note: Current count is for “members” on the waitlist - we haven’t opened memberships yet. Numbers updated daily.)

Goal: 100

Current members: 3

The Puzzle Makers Guild is for-profit. We believe everyone in the industry should be able to make a living from the glorious art form that is puzzles, and that includes us - another reason why we try and stay lean.

Who the Guild stands for

The Puzzle Makers Guild seeks to represent and provide value to the following groups:

Puzzle Makers

As a creator of puzzles, we will support you in elevating your profile, improving your offering, and creating and growing a sustainable business.

Puzzle Advocates

As a promoter, seller, or reviewer of puzzles, we will support you in refining your communication, finding industry insights, and networking with creators.

Puzzle Enthusiasts

As a solver and lover of puzzles, we will keep you up to date with the latest puzzles, trends, offers, and insights from your favourite creators.

Be the first to know

The Australian Puzzle Makers Guild will be launching in early 2025.

Join the waiting list to hear about our early-bird offers and become a pioneer in the Australian puzzle scene.

The Guild is coming… 2025.